
During scheduled appointments, patients that are being followed up regularly can be examined

Urgent conditions, (infections, respiratory problems, or investigations of other health issues) are examined and treated in parallel

Colleagues can refer patients, after prior communications, in order to assure continuity of care of their patients, or perform procedures like suprapubic aspirations and venepacturing

At home visits can be arranged


For mother – breastfed infant dyads, we can discuss and manage conditions that commonly occur during breastfeeding and can cause problems. 

We can also manage conditions that occur less often or are more complex, like reduced milk supply, return to work, prematureneonates ant twins or triplets breastfeeding issues

Patient Care

There are special arrangements to reduce contact of sick/febrile children with patients that are present for well child, or breastfeeding related visits. A second waiting room is also available

private Breastfeeding room is available to mothers that require it

Medical procedures take place in a separateappropriately arranged, room